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by Compagnie O.
Concept: Marie Alexis, Ivalina Yapova
Choreographie: Marie Alexis, in collaboration with the dancers
Scenography, Light: Ivalina Yapova
Music, Composition: Mladen Dabizljevic
Costumes, Styling: Karen Feelizitas Petermann
Text: Barbara Marie Hofmann
Sound Design: Serafin Aebli
Dance: Lyn Bentschik, Alice D'Angelo, Diane Gemsch, Naomi Kamihigashi, Ambra Peyer, Niki Anjes Stalder
Performance, Voice: Hannah Drill
Production: Marie Alexis, Carina Neumer
Chor, Assistance, Rehearsal director: Lisa Lareida
Outside Eye: Annie Hanauer, Sarah Dirks
Assistant scenography: Nils Widmer
Picture: Helen Ree
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